Wrist pain can develop from many causes, including conditions that affect your hand, which can make getting an accurate diagnosis difficult. To find out what’s causing your wrist pain, schedule a consultation at Puziss Orthopedics in Beaverton, Oregon. Dr. Puziss is an orthopedic specialist who takes a personalized approach to care, conducting thorough exams to find the root cause of your wrist pain. Call the office today.

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What is wrist pain?

Wrist pain is a pain condition that affects your wrist. The type of pain you feel depends on the underlying cause.

You don’t always need medical care for wrist pain, but you should schedule an appointment with Dr. Puziss if your wrist pain is severe or ongoing, or it causes burning, tingling, or numbness that radiates into your hand or forearm.

What causes wrist pain?

Wrist pain most often develops as a result of acute injuries that cause sprains or fractures in the wrist. However, ongoing wrist pain from an unknown cause may signal an underlying condition, such as:

  • Arthritis
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Ligament tears
  • Tendinitis
  • De Quervain’s syndrome
  • Intersection syndrome
  • Guyon’s canal syndrome
  • Muscle pain
  • Radiating pain from a problem in your neck, shoulder, or elbow

Many of the conditions that cause wrist pain also cause hand pain, including fractures, nerve injuries or nerve compression, arthritis, and muscle pain. Dr. Puziss can also find the cause of your hand pain and help you get relief.

How is wrist pain diagnosed?

Knowing that finding the cause of your wrist pain isn’t as cut and dried as with other pain conditions, Dr. Puziss conducts an in-depth clinical exam to find the source of your pain so you get the right diagnosis.

He asks detailed questions about your pain or popping, including whether it is painful and the activity or injury that initiated the pain. He also asks about the type of pain you feel and activities that make it worse or better. He also asks about pain in your neck, shoulder, and elbow.

Dr. Puziss examines your wrist, performing tests to assess the function and structure of the wrist and the source of your pain. He may request diagnostic tests to confirm or rule out a suspected diagnosis. Testing may include digital X-rays, MRIs, or nerve conduction studies.

How is wrist pain treated?

Dr. Puziss develops individual treatment plans for wrist and hand pain based on the underlying cause. Your treatment may include:

  • Activity modification
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
  • Splinting or bracing
  • Physical or occupational therapy
  • Injections
  • Casting for minor fractures
  • Acupuncture
  • Naturopathic care
  • Chiropractic care
  • Cortisone injections

In some cases, Dr. Puziss may recommend MRI scan, possibly surgery to treat the underlying cause of your wrist pain. He refers you to top-notch surgeons in the area for a consultation.

For compassionate and personalized care for your wrist pain from an orthopedic specialist, call Puziss Orthopedics today.